Environmental Health Program

The quality of the living environment in our homes and in our community has a direct effect on the health of our people.  Many diseases experienced by Aboriginal people are directly linked to poor environmental health conditions.

 Environmental Health Practitioners are part of the Public Health workforce that target elements of the environment which can affect health.  This is particularly important in our community where the standard of essential service supply (water, sanitation, and power) differs from that provided to large towns and cities. 

 Because of our location and remoteness (Classified as RA5), we have limited access to the range of service providers and tradespersons.  Housing and community infrastructure maintenance and repairs can be expensive and slow.   This can affect the quality of our living environment and compromise the health of our people.

 We know that access to safe drinking water, suitable housing with functional health hardware, nutritious food and sanitation management are the basic requirements for our community to survive.  We acknowledge the work of local Environmental Health Workers and their role in promoting health, preventing disease and managing risks in the living environment.  We also acknowledge that If the overall health levels of our community are to improve, the environmental health and general living conditions that currently exist must be improved.  

 A Community Environmental Health Plan is in place that identifies our priority needs and aspirations relating to the health of our community and our living environment and will be used to inform service delivery.  We understand that this plan will only work with the support and interaction of all services provided to this community which includes Wiluna, Bondini, Kutkabubba & Windidda.

 Services provided by the NAHS Environmental Health Team include the following: 

  • Rubbish clean-up around homes; we can provide large rubbish bags and assist with rubbish removal
  • Lawn mowing to reduce mosquito breading, mice habitat and snake hazards
  • In-house cockroaches, ants and mice control
  • Reporting mains water leaks
  • Reporting on behalf of home occupiers any prolonged loss of services and repair delays

 You can request assistance from the Environmental Health Team by calling the clinic on 9981 8600 or call in to reception and complete an Environmental Health Work Request Form.

Work Request Form